Acne breakouts are a condition of the skin. So it shouldn't be any wonder if it is also found in other areas of the body because the entire body is covered by skin. Although the most common site for acne is the face, this too could seem in the back. The only good thing about having back acne breakouts are that you can always pay for it. The downside however, isn't being able to go sexy when an event calls for it, nor be confident enough to join in outdoor recreation such as swimming. It is undeniable that wherever it might appear, it leads to low self-esteem.



What can cause acne on the face causes back acne too. They are generally on the skin which means that sebum production can also be there. Sebum is the oily substance the sebaceous glands of our skin produce. This helps keep our skin moisturized. However, overproduction of the substance can lead to acne. Bacteria are often attracted and could then cause inflammation which is now your pimple. As pimples grow in number, by using dirty hands and poor hygiene, acne is now your problem.

As stated before, this does not only occur to your face but with other parts of your body too. Back acne additionally appears at the back and also the upper torso. These areas convey more sebaceous glands than other parts of the body, so there is a higher possibility for acne to happen. Back acne is not caused by any type of clothing nor accessory that you have, but they could aggravate or worsen what little body acne you have. Rubbing or pressure can further irritate the already inflamed follicles.

Sweat is also a contributing factor to back acne. You have to keep your body free from sweat and as clean as possible to lessen bacteria. Avoid using a loofah because this could lead to more irritation. A body wash which has salicylic acid works better than scrubbing the area.



Even though it can be covered, we still would like to get rid of back acne. There exist several ways to do this, you just have to be patient and you have to become persistent. If you do not stick to your treatment, it would you need to be a waste of your time and cash in the first place.

Since bacteria is one of our culprits here, we need to keep our body clean. A body wash for acne has salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide that helps eliminate bacteria and prevents inflammation from the pores. Alongside that treatment, you may also use gels or creams that are being sold over-the-counter. Or if you want a more precise and specific regimen, consult a dermatologist.

To avoid back acne from recurring in order to prevent further inflammation, avoid tight clothes and apparel which will cause a lot of friction lying on your back. Loose clothes made of cotton allows your skin to “breathe” and therefore, less sweating will occur. Try to shower a couple of times daily, because if you do more than that, it might aggravate the current condition. Eat a balanced diet and also hardwearing . body and your skin healthy.
